"Chipped Nailpolish" 1/3

Author: VinylNoMiko
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Do not own Newsies, Disney, or anything associated with those billionaires.
Pairing: Jack/Spot
Summary: One day, Spot wishes on a star, but what happens when he realizes that fairy godmothers aren't all they are cracked up to be?
Warnings: humor, slash, romance, Spot/Jack, Ranma ½ crossover esque thing (you don’t really need to have seen it, it’s explained in the fic because I’m helpful like that.), my reoccurring Meg-Sue (based on my oh so wise friend, Meg AKA Three).
Status: 1/3 of complete series
Archiving: Seize the Night and Tainted Wings (www.colourovers.net)

Notes: W00t, this is my birthday fic to myself because my birthday was on March 11! Go Me!


I glanced out over the Brooklyn bridge from my window. I sighed. You see, I love a man who could never love me back. Jack Kelly is a heterosexual, where I am as gay as possible. I can’t help it. I’m drawn to him. I can describe every inch of Jack Kelly’s face every piece of clothing in his wardrobe, and of course, his personality.

I smiled internally at a shooting star over the Brooklyn bridge, as I remembered the old tale about wishing upon a star. I whispered to myself, "I wish I could be a girl so Jack Kelly could love me."

A loud snap came out of nowhere, as I was faced with a sweet looking girl in purple. She had long, sparkly purple wings, and silver bitch boots. She had on a black skirt, blue fishnets, and a silverish purple shirt with the words "Society for the Promotion of Draco’s Homosexuality" printed on it.

"Who are you? And who’s Draco?"

"I’m Meg. Your Fairy Godmother. And Draco is my sex slave."

"Then why do you want to promote his homosexuality?"

"Cause I’d enjoy seeing him in makeup."

I abruptly changed the subject. "What the fuck is a Fairy Godmother?" Of course I knew what they were, but they most certaintly did not exist, and even if they did I wouldn’t have one. I’m too evil to get a Fairy Godmother. Only people with pure and loving intentions received them.

She blew on her wet navy blue nails. "If I was a man, my nailpolish would not chip this easily."


"Nothing, let’s get this over with. I grant your wishes."


"You wished to be a woman. So, let’s do this."

"I don’t really want to be a woman!!"

"You wished on a star, you sexy little thing. You can’t take it back.. However.." Meg’s eyes glinted. "There is a loop hole..."

"What is it?"

"Well, when I was visting the 90s today I saw this awesome show Ranma 1/2.."

"I’ve never heard of it."

"I don’t expect you have. Anyway, when someone poured cold water, Ranma would turn into a girl, and when someone poured hot water on him, Ranma became a boy again."

"It wouldn’t work. All I have is cold water. I bathe with other newsies in cold water."

"Mmmh, bathing newsies.." Meg snapped back, "How about hot water turns you into a girl?"

"Uh, okay."

"Great," she grinned. "You might be needing these.." A flick of her wand brought a stack of clothing onto Spot’s bed. She flicked her crimson wand again and a smaller package appeared on the bed. She smiled again. "If you need help, call me." And with a resounding crack, she disappeared.

I made my way over to the bed, and shuffled through the clothes. There was a skirt.. a dress.. a shirt.. another skirt.. another dress totally not my color.. I gasped as I came to the last bits of clothing. I stared at my panties and my corset in shock, I gulped at my garter belt. I picked up a black teddy with feathers around the edges and tried not to hyperventilate. What was my Fairy Godmother thinking?

I picked up the smaller package and opened it to reveal a pair of heels and a pair of big purple boots with large heels. I amused myself with the thought of me selling papes in them, and then put it down. I looked at a little pink bag I had found in the smaller package. I opened it to reveal smallish plastic covered pink objects. I groaned. Didn’t women with monthly troubles wear these? Didn’t I get out of it for actually being a guy? I found a tube of lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner. I know because I read the labels. I supposed I’d have to get Meg’s help the first time I masquereded as a girl. I decided to try out my new freedom of gender tomorrow.

And with that, I fell asleep.

- End Part One-
