Title: Davey's Boy
Author: Autumn
Pairing: Jack/David
Rated: G
Summary: Song Parody. "a little song I wrote based on "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield"
Notes: Davey and Newsies belong soley to Disney. The original song is copyrighted to Springfield and whoever else wrote/produced/recorded/distributed it. No copyright infringment is intended.

"Davey's Boy"
Davey is a friend
Yeah I know he's been a good friend of mine
But lately something's changed
It ain't hard to define
Davey's got himself a boy
And I want to make him mine
And he's watching him with those eyes 
And he's lovin' him with that body, I just know it! 
And he's holding him in his arms late, late at night

You know I wish that I had Davey's boy 
I wish that I had Davey's boy
Where can I find him, a newsie like that?

I'll play along with this charade 
That doesn't seem to be a reason to change 
You know I feel so jealous when they start talking cute 
I wanna tell him that I love him but the point is probably moot 
'Cause he's watching him with those eyes 
And he's lovin' him with that body, I just know it! 
And he's holding him in his arms late, late at night

You know I wish that I had Davey's boy 
I wish that I had Davey's boy
Where can I find him, a newsie like that?

Like Davey's boy 
I wish that I had Davey's boy 
Where can I find him, a newsie... 
Where can I find him, a newsie like that?

And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time 
Wonderin' what he don't see in me 
I've been funny; I've been cool with the lines 
Ain't that the way love's supposed to be? 
Tell me why can't I find a newsie like that?

You know I wish that I had Davey's boy 
I wish that I had Davey's boy
Where can I find him, a newsie like that? 
Like Davey's boyI wish that I had Davey's boy 
I want, I want Davey's boy

*grins innocently, glares at Jack and David and storms off stage*