Title: Pie Eater’s Interesting Night
Author: Manda
Rating: PG-13 for innuendo and misleading remarks.
Feedback: my email, on FF.n under Snape no Koibito, or on my AIM:
SpotDConlon, ThrusterJnD
Archive: Yeah, sure, just tell me first, k?
Summary: It’s not what you think! I swear! Just read it!
Disclaimer: Not mine. Disney’s. Damn those Disney bastards, always taking all the good slashy things for themselves and not sharing… it makes me sick to think about it… *coughs* Ahem. Sorry. I got carried away in my own… idiom. Yeah… my own particular idiom.
Pie Eater moaned softly, the hand rubbed it viciously, up and down and up and down… It felt so damned good. Slowly, to keep from making too much noise, he shifted position so he could reach it a lot easier. This was so much better, and GODS did it feel good! His fingernails ran over the thick length repeatedly, firm enough to be felt, but light enough to not cause any pain. He was sticky with sweat, he’d been moving around a lot tonight, trying to find the right angle. It had been throbbing though, and he’d had to do something about the problem.
He stroked the bratwurst-like area even more desperately. /C’mon… just alittle bit more. So close…/ Pie arched into his own touch, gasping as the sensation doubled and, way too suddenly, stopped. He lie there on his bed gasping, cover twined around his waist, a happy little smile on his face. Now that his thigh had stopped itching, he could finally go to sleep.
Many thanks to Vinyl and Stage for the help! Especially you Vinyl. I’ll never think of bratwurst the same way again. And Stage, the muse helped. ^_^!