9-3-04 -- There was a little mix-up with Lute's Life, Love and Lesbians and World Clash Tour 2006 but they're now the correct versions. Another fic of Lute's was supposed to be in the last batch of updates--Just One Night which is Spot/Race. Now you all enjoy while i go battle Hurricane Frances.
8/17/04 -- I think i just developed carpal tunnel updating with 8 fics and 4 artworks. Yes, artworks. This is all thanks to the newest member of the family-Lute! Clicking on her name will take you to her spot on the Authors page. To view her amazing drawings, just go this 'a way! Remember that we encourage you do feed(back) the authors wandering around. They've been tested for rabies. No, I swear.
8/15/04 -- See? The site's still alive! SEND ME FICS! Fanfiction.net is teh evol! *cough* We have our first Jack/Crutchy up by Racetrack Conlon: More Than He Lets On
6/19/03 --Sorry. Ahem. Lean On Me (Jake/Skit) by Lee; A Chance Of A Lifetime (Snoddy/Skit) by Emmie; Marble Kisses (Jack/Spot) by Sparks; and by Stage we have AC, Popsicles, and Table Tops (Specs/Dutchy), Me Liddle Dragon (Snoddy/Swifty), Bona Fide (Specs/Dutchy), and My Best Friend's Wedding (Blink/Mush). Plenty more fics next week!
3/18/03 -- My god, could it be? Is this site actually alive again? Yes! It's true! And you may hit me for its coma...after you read the Special Announcement. Now for the fics: Two new authors have joined us. One is Faith with a touching Ducthy/Skittery story called Harsh Reality. Then the talented Shimmerwings decided to attack me with 7 Jack/David fics. lol. Ready? (Imagine a) Brown Leather Wallet, Late Night, Memoirs, Not Hard To Understand After All, Stickball, Warm As David, and What I See (also including Snitch/Itey and Mush/Blink). There ya go! I'm expecting more, people, so get sending!
7/9/02 -- Seems every time i went to update, something would happen. Oh well, today's my b-day and i'm sharing the joy! By Ann Valentine aka Slash! there's Things That Go Bump (Specs/Dutchy, Snoddy/Dutchy), Aeternus Termeni (Mush/Blink) and Unrequited (Specs/Dutchy)! VinylNoMiko brings us Good Morning (Specs/Dutchy), Mary Sue Gone Wrong (don't let the title fool ya, this is sure to make MS haters smile), and The AceWarBoi Romances, which is Jack/Spot and OC/Skittery, but i should mention there's Denton/Davey in there and the ONLY reason i'm archiving that is because it's done in a hilarious way. Serious Denton/Davey fics need not apply here. Finally, the new member to our twisted family, Manda, sends Pie Eater's Interesting Night and Tender Loving Care (Specs/Dutchy)! But don't think that's all for now! I had to split the updates into two for various reasons. More fics comin your way soon. If you understand my definition of soon, bless you.
5/25/02 -- I am SO sorry, guys! Evil Tripod + Evil Life = me breaking promises and you waiting for updates for almost 2 months. Oy! A lot of you may have already read these on ff.net by now. VinylNoMiko's new fic is Winning Brooklyn (Jack/Spot). From Stage there's Illusory (Specs/Dutchy). And from Ann, the great Sleep To Dream which pairs Specs with an OC. Hmm, i feel like i'm missing submissions. If you've sent me a fic that i haven't archived yet, please email me about it. Punish me in your email however you see fit. Also, if you see a fic on ff.net or someone's website that you don't see here, could you please mention STN to the author? I think it'd be nice for this to be the One Stop Shop For Newsies Slash. lol. *gets hit with a shoe* Okay, okay, till next time!
4/2/02 -- *coughTripodIsEvilcough* Hi, gang! Holy salsa-dancing slash gods, have i got updates for you! From Stage we have Something There, the second part to the Specs/Dutchy V-day Special fic. Also from Stage is Darkened Alleys and the Right Mistakes (Skittery/Pie Eater), and When Midnight Comes which is a companion piece to my Resolutions To Keep but with the very hot Specs/Skittery pairing. But wait, there's more! From our great new author Hoshi we have Staying about Jack/Spot! And if you're craving more Jack/Spot goodness, VinylNoMiko has completed her Anniversary To Remember Series, and also given us a new series Chipped Nailpolish. Now if you little slash sluts want more, don't worry; i'll be updating again very soon with another fab fic and new links. Till then!
3/13/02 -- These updates just keep getting farther and farther apart. Ready for 2 new great fics?! *gets swatted at by the impatient* Ack! Okay, okay. First one is a great short yet angsty piece by Ann Valentine titled Sleeping Lionheart (Jack/David). And now a new author bringing us a new pairing! Go read the Specs/Dutchy fic Valentine's Day Special by Stage!
1/18/02 -- Wow. Been a while, huh? Sorry about that folks. No, i have no excuse. You may have noticed Sweets' fics can no longer be found here. They're down by personal request and tho i am saddened by that, i do respect her decision. But the good news is there are 2 new additions! First, The Anniversary To Remember Series by VinylNoMiko. And, Davey's Boy, a funny song parody by Autumn. Make sure to welcome them both and give feedback!
11/23/01 -- Well, i have good news and bad news. The good news is we have a new artist up in the gallery! They're not exactly slashy, but i sure got a kick out of them! Go check out SnitchBerries' work! Now the bad news. Crimson's wonderful fics are no longer with us. A moment of silence for them. I hope you enjoyed them as much as i did. They'll be missed. Love ya, Crimson. Mean it.
10/27/01 -- Aha! A new story! Sorry for the long wait. This certain answer to your prayers titled Little White Lies comes to us thanks to Crimson! The pairing is Spot/Dutchy.
9/23/01 -- The hot story The Alley's Empty by Pegapanther (Spot/Race) has been added!
9/15/01 -- Throw your hands together for Pegapanther! Her fic entitled The Lady In Mourning is dedicated to the tragic and needless events that befell the USA on Tuesday the 11th. There's also a new link up to Mayhem's Eyecandy which will be closed until further notice in respect for the dead and suffering. You're all in our hearts. Love you, mean it.
8/26/01 -- There's a new pairing at STN! *throws confetti* They always turn out to be a pleasant shock too. Check out Cherry Pie, a Pie Eater/Skittery story by our new author Miche!
8/16/01 -- Back To Brooklyn's Chapter 5 has been added. And there's a Jack/David/Spot little diddy by Tomato called The Child Is Gone. Read, drink and be merry.
8/11/01 -- These updates keep coming so soon i don't think i recognize my site anymore. Good. *g* A new Jack/David fic I Remember... by Niko has been added. DO feed the authors, please! Jump in and show the love.
8/9/01 -- The next chapter of Back To Brooklyn by Rebecca is now up. Chapter 4
8/5/01 -- Business is booming! Or something. Anyway, the Gallery has had a face lift along with a new piece of fanart by Niko. On top of that, we have 3 new fics. One WIP by Rebecca titled Back To Brooklyn (Jack/Other) and two others by Niko--Brains And Fists and Harpers Creek. Both wonderful Jack/David pieces.
7/1/01 -- Now HERE is something new. An Oscar story by the great Mayhem. In The Arms of Thine Enemy She never ceases to amaze me.
5/24/01 -- A pleasent Spot/Race surprise fic is up titled Happy Valentine's Day, Racetrack and it's by our new author Crimson! Everybody show da luv now!
5/15/01 -- The new fic by Sparks entitled The Lover After Me (mentions of Jack/Spot & Jack/Davey) is now up. Go check that out. The way i was introduced to it totally blew me away.
4/2/01 -- A new link to Cat's site The stone biscuit has been added. I suggest you go NOW. And if you haven't noticed, the main page has been blessed with a mouth-watering graphic of Jack and David by Mayhem. There's also the Thanks page where I've humbly given worship to more people. It's the little things in life, ya know?
3/21/01 -- Take What You Can Get (Dutchy/Skittery) --Mayhem's sequel to "Fuck Mistletoe"-- is up. Her site banner to 'Mayhem's Miscellany' is also spicing up the Links page along with a linked banner for my friend Sassy's site 'A League Of Their Own'. Please go visit both these great corners of the web.
2/23/01 -- The next installment of the FTFE Series is up! Fading Memories (Jack/Spot). Also, in light of the tradgedy at Sunday's Daytona 500, a Dale Earnhardt Memorial page has been added. His death is still quite a blow to me and this is my way of paying tribute. #3 Forever.
2/9/01 -- Hey, Valentine's Day is almost here! Gag me. I just want nookie from my slash couples and chocolate. Talk to me about your special someone and you die. Ahem. *big smile* Today, kids, i give you 3 more chapters in the A First Time For Everything Series (Jack/Spot) by Sweets that started with Alley Meetings last time.
1/30/01 -- Looky here, I'm updating on CB's birthday. Isn't that special? We now have Happy Hour (Jack/Dave) by me, and Alley Meetings (Jack/Spot) by Arabella "Sweets" O'Rielly.
1/1101 -- Two new stories give us two new pairings here. Seeing With The Heart (Mush/Blink) by Jazz, and Fuck Mistletoe (Skittery/Dutchy) by Mayhem.1/4/01 -- Two new stories are up. Resolutions To Keep by me, and A Month In Brooklyn One Night (Jack/Spot) by our new author, Mayhem.12/23/00 -- The Gallery is now up and running with some priceless manipulated pics by Mayhem. There's also a new fic up by Jazz; The first Race/Spot story, Birthday Man.
11/12/00 -- Notice anything different about your mouse? Smart children. A thanks goes out to Jazz for making the suggestion.
11/3/00 -- Added the banner to link us with on the main page. It was created by the very thoughtful Katie B. I'm gonna end up owing her the world at this rate! lol. Thanks again and again.
10/17/00 -- Update to "Just How Close?" Also, a new glowing font has been added to all the page headers & STN links. Thanks, Katie!
10/3/00 -- Added this 'Updates' page like the genius i am, and added a few links.
10/2/00 -- Site is officially open for business!
Seize The Night